Florida Atlantic University
Flexible Access Controls for Students, Administrators, and Patients

Despite its small student population, the College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) needed a robust access control system that could support integration with video surveillance.
Office Building 1 was designed with several scenarios for building access. For example, students have access to classrooms and laboratories during the week. These access permissions can fluctuate, like before exams, when students’ access to laboratories needs to be limited. So the College of Medicine wanted to be able to easily alter access privileges.
At the same time, residential doctors and faculty required 24/7 access to the building.
FAU needed a flexible and robust security management platform.
The College of Medicine’s Office Building 1 presented a unique challenge to Florida Atlantic University, since different floors required different security needs.
A Scalable Security Platform to Keep Pace With a Growing Campus
The College of Medicine selected a comprehensive system from Software House, C•CURE 9000 security management platform, which is also in place at each of FAU’s six campuses.
- Security and Event Management enables businesses to better safeguard their infrastructures with customization options for their specific needs.
- Web + Mobile Apps enhance security by enabling interaction with C•CURE 9000 security and event management system with an internet connection and a mobile device.
- Door Controllers prevent the public from wandering into restricted areas. They make security and building operations more effective by integrating with alarm panels, HVAC systems, and CCTV systems.
- Allowing faculty control of classroom doors, rather than relying on the security department to individually program those doors
- Giving students different levels of access depending on the school year calendar and if students were taking exams
- Restricting access to medical records rooms, the pharmacy, third-floor research labs, and other sensitive areas

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